Camp FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Camp Jewell YMCA’s overnight camps are a time filled with moments of pride, fun, friendship, and self-confidence. Parents tell us their kids gain independence; campers tell us they have a blast! At Camp Jewell YMCA we know that both of these are true—and along the way, we create amazing memories that will last your child a lifetime! These frequently asked questions are designed to answer the questions we most commonly receive from parents. We also encourage you to check out our Summer Camp Parent Handbook for additional information and we are always available via email or phone to answer any questions you might have.

Yes, we have several Open Houses each year. All tours are led by summer and leadership staff. If these days are not convenient for you, please feel free to call our office and set up a private tour with one of our camp staff any day of the week. For more information please click HERE.

We are located in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut just outside of Winsted in the foothills of the Berkshires. With easy access to Route 44 and 8 we are less than an hour from Hartford and under 2 1/2 hours from both New York City and Boston.

You can reach us by phone 24/7 during summer camp at 860.909.0015 or by email at

We encourage letters from you as the best way of communicating with your camper. Positive, supportive letters let your camper hear from you in a constructive way. You may want to send a letter a few days prior to the session to ensure that it is received while your camper is at camp. Additionally, you can purchase email credits and write emails to your camper by clicking here Please note that due to the large number of campers, (we get over 400 emails each day), we ask that you limit your emails so that we can deliver them in a timely fashion. Emails are downloaded during the evening for printing the following morning and are distributed after lunch! Due to our policy of no electronic devices at camp Campers do not have access to email.
Although all campers enjoy receiving packages from home, we discourage care packages containing food items as some campers have allergies to certain ingredients and food can attract unwanted insects and animals to the cabins. Any food in packages will be taken away and returned on the closing day of that session. You can also purchase items from the camp store online and we will deliver them to your child’s cabin with a personalized note.

Our photos hosting is provided by Waldo Photos. Each day we take several hundred photos of camp in action, we then upload those photos each night to Waldo. There is no charge to view these photos, however if you would like to download photos or participate in Waldo’s facial recognition software, a fee is applied. However, half of this fee is put toward Camp Jewell’s Annual Campaign which helps send kids to camp! Families registered for camp will be sent an email to create an account and access photos. Please note that we take several hundred photos at camp each day and while we try to take a variety of shots not every camper will necessarily be in a photo each day.

Campers are encouraged to reply by writing letters. We suggest that campers bring paper and pre‐ addressed stamped envelopes. With this understanding, we ask that parents work with us in ensuring that campers do not bring cell phones to camp. Your assistance is greatly appreciated in helping us enforce this policy. Possession of a cell phone will lead to automatic dismissal from camp!
Parents are welcome to visit and tour on opening and closing days of each session or trip. Parents can visit if their child is staying for more than one session during holdover, however we ask that you notify our office and make arrangements prior to the day you are visiting. For security reasons, all parents must be accompanied by a camp staff member if walking around camp outside of the check in and check out times.

Early Pickup Protocol

Balancing a busy schedule with school, sports, and extracurriculars can be challenging, and conflicts may arise. If you need to pick up your camper early, please follow these steps to ensure a smooth process:

  1. Call or email our office to let them know ahead of time.:
  2. Provide Written Permission: If someone other than the legal guardian is picking up the child, written permission from the legal guardian is required.
  3. Scheduled Pickup Times: We cannot facilitate early pickups between 7:30 PM and 10:00 PM on Friday nights due to the closing campfire, or  on Saturday from 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM.

Returning During the Session

If your camper needs to come back during the session after an early departure:

  1. Schedule with our office: Coordinate the return time with our camp staff to ensure your camper’s seamless reintegration.
  2. Check-In Procedures: Bring your child to the office upon return to ensure their safety and proper re-registration.

Following these guidelines helps us maintain a safe and organized environment for all campers. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our camp office.

Security is extremely important at camp. Our staff are in constant contact with one another, and with the camp office, via hand-held radio. All visitors must stop by our office and be checked in, anyone visiting camp during the summer also must go through a security check and are given an identifying bracelet. Vistiors must also be accompanied by camp staff at all times. Our gate is locked overnight and we employ a nightwatch person during the summer to ensure that no unauthorized people are at camp outside of normal business hours. Any person not cleared to be at camp are immediately identified, approached, and asked to leave camp.

In the unfortunate event of an emergency at home, here’s how you can promptly reach your camper:

  1. Call the Main Office: Reach out to the camp’s main office at860.909.00156. The staff will assist you in communicating the urgent message to your camper.
  2. Speak with Camp Directors: After contacting the main office, the camp directors will collaborate with you to ensure your camper is notified in the most appropriate manner.
  3. After-Hours Procedures: If your call falls outside of regular office hours, don’t worry. Follow the automated voice instructions to get connected to the camp’s emergency line.

No, it is not necessary to be a member of the YMCA to attend camp. However, there is a discount for full facility family members of the YMCA of Greater Hartford, for more details call or email camp.

Realizing that families have differing abilities to pay, Camp Jewell YMCA has instituted a voluntary 3-tier pricing program for our Summer Resident Camp to accommodate all financial needs. Tier 1 most accurately accounts for the true cost of operating camp including food, staff salaries, supplies, wear and tear on equipment, transportation, and depreciation. Tier 2 is a partially subsidized rate for those who cannot afford to pay the full costs associated with attending camp. Tier 3 is a subsidized rate that only covers the basic costs associated with attending camp including, food, staff salaries and supplies. Please choose the tier that is most suitable for your family. All children have the same experience no matter which tier a family is able to pay. The tier selected by a family will be kept confidential.

Yes Financial Assistance is available. Each year we raise over $200,000 in scholarships to families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to attend camp.

Safety is always our top priority at camp.  We are accredited by the YMCA of the USA, the State of Connecticut,  and the American Camp Association- meaning that we meet or exceed more than 300 standards of health safety, and program excellence. Our staff goes through a minimum of one week of staff training and are certified in First Aid and CPR, our waterfront staff are Red Cross lifeguards, and our trip staff have certifications in Wilderness First Aid.

All staff members complete a rigorous application process that includes reference checks, background checks, and a personal interview.   Then they participate in extensive training that covers the camp mission, youth development, safety/emergency procedures, activity leadership, behavior management, and child abuse prevention.

Our camper to staff ratio is 1:4 for our younger campers and 1:6 for our older campers.

All of our counselors must be over 18 years of age and those working with our campers 14 and older are over 20 years of age.

We have three nurses on duty at camp every session of which a minimum of 2 are on site at all times. Our nurses distribute all medication to campers (over-the-counter or prescription), care for illness and respond to any emergency situations. In addition, our staff is trained in First Aid and CPR and our trip staff are also certified in Wilderness First Aid. The closest hospital to camp is less than 15 minutes away as is our camp doctor.

While many times campers come to our infirmary feeling ill because they are overtired or a little homesick, some campers do actually have an illness that must be cared for.  Our nursing staff will treat their symptoms and call you only if your camper spends the night in the infirmary, visits repeatedly with the same medical concern,  has to visit our local doctor or hospital or if the nurse has a question about your camper’s medical form.

All campers must have had a physical exam by a licensed provider WITHIN 2 YEARS of their last day of camp.

It’s perfectly normal for a camper to miss home and this can be an important part of their camp experience as they develop a sense of independence and self-esteem.  Luckily, Camp is a safe place for campers to have a mix of these emotions and our counseling staff (many of whom were once homesick campers themselves), are highly trained in working with your child and keeping you informed on their well being.

Helping your child combat homesickness before camp can set the stage for a positive experience. Here’s are some reccomendations:

1. Write Encouraging Letters

  • Send them a letter that arrives on the first day of camp. Keep the tone upbeat and filled with positive news to avoid triggering homesickness.
  • Letters should focus on fun stories or interesting tidbits rather than how much you miss them.
  • It takes several days for letters to arrive home from camp, if you first letter from your camper is focused on how homesick they are, please remember that they most likely wrote this several days ago.

2. Preparation Without Pressure

  • Avoid discussing potential homesickness directly before camp starts. Conversations about homesickness can often exacerbate the feeling.
  • Instead, engage them in packing and planning for camp activities, fostering excitement and anticipation.

3. Frame It as a Growth Opportunity

  • Explain that feeling homesick is natural and a part of growing up.
  • Share stories about times when you or other family members felt homesick and how you overcame it.

4. Empower Them with Coping Strategies

  • Teach them simple techniques to manage homesickness, like journaling their feelings or confiding in a new friend.
  • Encourage them to participate in activities and form bonds with fellow campers and counselors.

5. Reassure and Support

  • Reiterate that camp counselors are trained to help kids manage homesickness in a supportive way.
  • Let them know it’s okay to seek help from camp staff if they start feeling overwhelmed.

By employing these strategies, you’ll provide your child with the tools and confidence they need to enjoy their camp experience to the fullest.

No, not every camper will participate in swim lessons; however, every campers can choose it as an option. We do swim test all campers during their first 24 hours at camp, those at the lowest swim level are placed into swim lessons. Trained swim instructors lead every class.

Check-In Time Slots:
The check-in window is scheduled between 1:30 PM and 4:00 PM. During this time, you’ll need to arrive at the camp to complete the check-in process.

Drive-Through Check-In:
As you arrive at the camp,  The check-in procedure will be conducted drive-through style, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for everyone. You will only need to get out of your car prior to arriving at your child’s cabin if you are missing paperwork, payments, or have medication to check in.

Bunk Assignments:
To maintain fairness, bunks will be randomly assigned to campers regardless of their arrival time. This ensures that all campers have an equal chance at getting their preferred spots.

Logistical Considerations:
We understand that not everyone may be able to arrive within the designated check-in window. If you’re unable to make it during your assigned time, that’s okay. However, adhering to the check-in schedule will help streamline the process and reduce wait times for all campers.

When the camp session concludes, it’s essential to know how to navigate the check-out process to ensure everything runs smoothly. Follow these steps to facilitate a safe and efficient pick-up for your camper.

Check-Out Location and Timing

The check-out process is centralized at the camp trading post which is opposite our mini-farm. Check-out begins promptly at 9:30 AM and concludes at 11:00 AM. If you need to collect your camper earlier, make sure to notify the camp office  in advance. This helps the camp staff prepare as campers and counselors may still be engaged in morning activities until 9:30 AM.

Steps to Follow for a Hassle-Free Check-Out

  1. Find Your Camper’s Cabin: Drive directly to your child’s cabin. If you’re unsure of the exact location, camp staff stationed in the parking areas can guide you.
  2. Connect with Counselors: Once at the cabin, take the opportunity to chat with the counselors. They can provide insights into how the week went and introduce you to some of your camper’s new friends.
  3. Collect Personal Belongings: Ensure you do a comprehensive search of the cabin. Don’t forget often-overlooked areas such as the back porch, clothesline, and under the beds to retrieve all your child’s belongings.
  4. Gather Mementos and Contact Info: Make sure your camper has received a cabin photo and collect any contact information from their cabin mates, so they can maintain friendships throughout the year.
  5. Safe Drive Home: Park in the lot in front of the office and walk to the trading post. Here you can find any lost and found, do any last minute shopping, get your camp store refund (or donate the proceeds), pick up any medication and sign up for the following summer!
  6. Safe Drive Home: Once everything is packed and loaded into your vehicle, drive home safely, ensuring all memories and new friendships are cherished.

Special Circumstances

If you are unable to pick up your child by 11:00 AM, they’ll be placed with stay-over campers and counselors until your arrival. This ensures they remain supervised and engaged while waiting.

By following these steps, you’ll create a seamless end to a fantastic camp experience for both you and your camper.

We love to celebrate birthdays, we even have a special chair and song during our daily pre dinner Thunderdome! If your child has a birthday while they are at camp, please feel free to send a special card or care package. We will provide the fun and a special treat for your campers birthday!!

We understand that often campers may come to camp with a friend that they would like to bunk with. We strongly believe that camp is an opportunity for children to meet new people, and have new experiences. As such, we limit requests to one per camper. There is a space on the registration form to complete this request or you can call or email our camp office. Requests will only be honored for campers of the same gender that are within one year of each other in age. Both families must also mutually request the campers to be in the same cabin group.

Our cabins were designed to be used year round and as such have bathrooms and showers located within the cabin. All of our cabins have heat and electricity, sturdy wooden bunk beds and communal areas.   Campers stay in age/gender appropriate cabins under the continuous care and supervision of qualified counselors.

Camp is all about having fun outdoors. As such, we strongly recommend that you do not pack clothing items that you would mind if they got dirty or stained. The packing list is to help in your preparation. The best way to transport all necessary clothing and gear is in a footlocker (or plastic storage bin), no higher than 14”. Footlockers can easily slide under your child’s lower bunk. A list of contents should be fastened to the inside lid and the camper’s name should be clearly marked on the outside. Please do not forget bedding, including sheets, pillow, blankets and a sleeping bag for overnights. Please mark all clothing and equipment with your camper’s name. This will help us return lost items.

We do not provide regular laundry service for campers. We do provide laundry service for special circumstances (bedwetting, etc.) We also provide laundry services for campers staying through consecutive sessions at camp (hold-over weekends). The YMCA is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items.

Our food service department provides three well-balanced meals and one snack each day at camp. Each meal includes several options aside from the main course, with nutritious, fresh food being a focus. Camp can accommodate a variety of dietary needs and restrictions.

If your child has any dietary restrictions or food allergies, it’s crucial to inform the appropriate personnel to ensure their needs are met.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Fill Out the Health Form: Make sure to fully disclose any specific dietary requirements or food allergies on your child’s health form. This information is essential for planning suitable alternatives.
  2. Contact the Food Service Director: It’s important to speak directly with the Food Service Director to discuss your child’s dietary needs. Reach out at least 30 days prior to your child’s stay. This gives the staff ample time to prepare and accommodate your child’s requirements effectively.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and safe experience for your child when it comes to their dietary needs.

Campers have the opportunity to customize their program each week by signing up for three morning clinic activities (one of which can be swim instruction). In addition, each day, counselors and coordinators customize schedules to make sure each child has the opportunity to try a variety of activities during their session.  Our summer camp programs focus on developing social skills, team-work, self-esteem and an appreciation for the environment, all with a healthy dose of fun! Learn more about our camp activities.

Register for Camp TODAY

The best summer is right around the corner

Camp Jewell YMCA is more than just a summer camp—it’s a place where kids build lifelong friendships, develop new skills, and create memories that last a lifetime. We offer a safe and nurturing environment where campers can explore the outdoors, challenge themselves, and grow as individuals. Our dedicated staff ensures every camper feels included, valued, and ready to discover their potential. Don’t miss out on the summer adventure of a lifetime—sign up today!