Our teambuilding programs consist of a series of challenges for individuals and groups, requiring problem solving, communication, cooperation, trust and teamwork for their completion.
The challenges draw on the strengths and commitment of each member of the group. Our staff will help you refine goal setting and explore the importance of trust and communication all while having a great time! Through large and small group games, cooperative activities, problem-solving challenges and trust building activities, your group have the opportunity to come to know themselves and their peers in a new way.
We build our programs around “Challenge by Choice”—a guideline that teaches participants to choose their level of participation within their own level of comfort and ability.
In addition to our low ropes activities, Camp Jewell YMCA has four high ropes elements that are spread out around camp. This enables us to serve different groups of participants at the same time, and allows each group to focus on their own goals and their high ropes experience without distractions from others. All of these facilities are facilitated by our highly trained and certified staff.
The Giant Swing involves the participant being attached to a cable that is pulled up by their team to the height of their choice. When ready, a release cord is pulled and the participant swings. By involving the entire group, and allowing the participant to choose the challenge of their choice, all group members experience success together.
In addition to these high ropes elements, Camp Jewell YMCA is home to two outdoor climbing walls. Mount Wood is located on main camp, while our larger climbing wall, Mount Meggido, is over 45 feet tall and can be found at Hide-A-Way Ranch.
We also offer a wide range of recreational activities to complement your team building experience. We invite you to come discover the difference that is Camp Jewell YMCA!