There are so many reasons to send your child to camp this summer but here are our top five!

1. Lifelong skills, and lifelong friendships!

Research shows that camp helps children make new friends, get to know kids who are different from them, feel good about themselves and try things that they were afraid to do before. All of which confirms that camp helps build the necessary skills to become successful adults. That’s why 98% of campers surveyed in 2021 said they made new friends at camp!

2. Kick start an active lifestyle!

Whether trying their hand at archery, canoeing with a friend, or playing a game of Capture the Flag, camp provides children the opportunity to try new things and get moving. According to surveys by the Center for Disease Control, an American child is six times more likely to play a video game than to ride a bike on any given day. Surveys show that 63% of children who learn new activities at camp continue these when they return home.

3. Better than summer school!

We  understand the role that we play in helping young children learn and grow. While camp may be fun, it also involves activities that teach leadership skills and critical thinking that ensures that campers achieve their full potential. Learning beyond the classroom helps kids appreciate different people and ideas, helping them grow into well-rounded adults!

4. Get in touch with nature!

For kids today, the world is different from when their parents or grandparents were children. In many cases, the safe zone where kids can play might only extend to their back yard. Camp lets children unplug from all the technology and enjoy the world around them. Studies show that this valuable time a child spends outdoors can help them recover from pre-existing stresses and help them concentrate and connect to the natural environment around them.

5. Most importantly coming to Jewell, is fun!!

It’s true; kids sing silly songs and play fun games at camp. They are allowed to play in a safe, nurturing environment- and they are allowed to just be kids. It’s a powerful form of learning that contributes to a child’s healthy physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. We have a saying at camp: “School helps prepare you for work, but camp prepares you for life!”